Covid-19 in Malaysia
New Cases
(June 24, 2022)
(June 24, 2022)
Daily Tests
(June 22, 2022)
(June 22, 2022)
Daily Death
(June 24, 2022)
(June 24, 2022)
Daily Vaccination
(September 21, 2023)
(September 21, 2023)
Coronavirus Self Checker
The Coronavirus Self-Checker is an interactive clinical assessment tool that will assist individuals ages 13 and older, and parents and caregivers of children ages 2 to 12 on deciding when to seek testing or medical care if they suspect they or someone they know has contracted COVID-19 or has come into close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
The online, mobile-friendly tool asks a series of questions, and based on the user’s responses, provides recommended actions and resources.
Symptom Checker
Easy, fast and accurate symptom checker. Enter multiple symptoms in your own words without endless questions. Covers both rare and common conditions.
The Symptom Checker doctors use and trust